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스마트폰용 사전 관리 프로그램 - S60Dict, Mdict

by 단비스 2010. 2. 7.

뭐 사전 프로그램이라고 하기는 표현이 잘못된듯하고,
데이터베이스 파일을 보는 프로그램이라고 하는것이 제대로 된 표현일듯...
찾아보면 위키백과사전, 한영사전, 영한사전, 국어사전, 옥편, 일본어사전, 독어사전, 버스노선 등 다양한 데이터들이 있는데...

mdict는 microsoft Mobile용으로 mdx 파일을 사용하고,
s60dict 심비안(Symbian)용으로 idx, dict.dz , ifo 파일을 사용하는듯...

mdict는 아무곳에나 넣어두고 검색을 하면 찾아내지만, s60dict는 루트에 s60dict 라는 폴더를 만들어서 넣어두어야 인식이 되는데...

문제는 서로간에 데이타포멧이 전혀 호환이 안된다...
찾아본 결과 변화프로그램도 없는듯 하다...
한마디로 변환전의 txt 파일과 같은 원본 소스를 가지고  다시 각 프로그램에 맞도록 변환을 해야 한다는...

s60dict 홈페이지 - http://users.forthnet.gr/ath/kgiannak/
mdict 홈페이지 - http://www.octopus-studio.com/index.en.htm

예전에 MdxBuilder, wrid104b-legalpro 등으로 mdx 파일은 몇번 만들어 봤는데,
idx 파일은 또 어떻게 만들어야 하는지...-_-;;

찾아보니 Mdx2htmRaccoon.exe 프로그램을 통해서 Mdict 사전 파일을 html 파일로 바꿀수 있다는데,
idx 파일을 만드는 프로그램을 또 찾아봐야 할듯...


S60Dict is an offline dictionary engine for DICT databases. DICT stands for 'Dictionary Server Protocol' and is a TCP transaction based query/response protocol that allows a client to access dictionary definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases. Although it is designed for network usage, the dictionary databases are also available under the GPL license. Both bilingual (available from freedict.org) and English dictionaries can be downloaded. Among others, Wordnet is an extensive and recently updated English dictionary. Another database of interest is jargon, which presents a hackers terminology. With S60Dict you can download these dictionaries, transfer them to your phone and be able to consult them offline, without the need of an Internet connection.

Installing dictionaries

A DICT database consists of a compressed file (.dz), containing the word definitions and an index file (.index), used to expedite word searching. The .dz format is actually a modified .gz file. It is possible to extract only a portion of the data at a .dz file, while not losing much on compression ratio. The index file is a plain text file. Every line contains a single headword along with the offset and the length of the meaning in the .dz file. When you download the databases, these are usually in a tar.gz format. In order to install a dictionary in your phone you must follow these steps:

  • Open the tar.gz file with the zip utility of your choice and extract the .dict.dz and .index files in a folder in your PC.
  • S60Dict requires the .index file to be ASCII sorted. However the files you download are not always sorted this way. You can easily sort an .index file yourself with the 'sort_file.bat' batch file, provided in the download section. Simply run the following command in a Windows XP command prompt.
    sort_file.bat name.index
  • After you have sorted the index file, transfer it along with the dict.dz file to your phone. The index and the dict.dz files must be in the same directory. You can use any directory in your phone. S60Dict allows you to define up to 4 directories, where databases will be looked up. The easiest thing to do, is to place the files in S60Dict's installation directory.

Usage of S60Dict

After you've installed one or more dictionaries, launch S60Dict. You can select a dictionary with the 'Select Dictionary' menu command. If you see no dictionaries, you may need to modify the path. You can do this with the 'Settings', 'Path' menu command. Then type the word you want to search for and press 'Search'. If there are entries in the dictionary that match your word, they will appear in a list. Otherwise a list of words adjacent to the word you've searched for will appear. In both cases you can see the meaning of a word by selecting it. Press 'Back' to return to the previous view.


S60Dict.sis Installation file.
S60Dict Sources, released under the GPL licence.
sort_file.bat batch file for Windows XP.

This article has also been published in NewLC.

S603rd Edition

S60dict has been ported to S603rd Edition by Yohanes Nugroho. You can download it from his blogspot at http://tinyhack.com/freewarelist/s603rd/2007/02/26/s60dict-for-3rd-edition/
