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HiCalc - 다양한 기능 지원의 깔끔한 계산기 프로그램
by 단비스
2010. 3. 6.

워낙에 계산기를 예전부터 써온 관계로 윈도우에 있는 계산기는 거의 사용하지 않는데, m4655 pda에서 hicalc를 사용하다가보니 계산기보다 더 마음에 들어서 pc용을 찾아보니 같은회사에서 두가지 버전을 모두 만들어 놓았다는...
공학용 계산기는 물론이거니와 미분, 적분, 회계, 메트릭스, 환율, 바이오리듬, 면적 변환, 단위 변환 등등의 다양한 기능을 제공...
이것 하나만 손에 익혀 놓고, 사무실이나 집에서는 이 프로그램을 사용하고, 밖에서는 m4650 에서 이것을 사용하면 괜찮을듯...
뭐 사칙연산정도만 사용한다면 굳이 필요없지만, 복잡한 기능이라도 간혹 사용을 하게 된다면, 이런 프로그램정도 하나 익숙하게 숙지해 놓는다면 좋을듯...
그나저나 이런 모바일 프로그램덕에 계산기와 같은 전자기기들도 하나둘씩 사라져 가지 않을까 싶은 생각이...
모바일 프로그램 홈페이지 -
윈도우용 데크스탑 프로그램 홈페이지 -
HiCALC - Your Trusted Calculator for Desktop PC with 12 modules -
Trigonometry, Matrices, Constants, Finance, Statistics, Biorhythm, Tip, Currency
Converter, Unit converter, Base conversion and User’s macro. The Desktop version includes all features as in Pocket PC version
HiCalc Features:
Improved matrix functions
Online update currency exchange rate daily and support
186 currencies
Smart input which allow to input complicated expression
Show expression as normal writing mode(really useful for complicated expression)
Show function's tooltip for fast enter expression
Skinable and sound support
Full feature trial version for 14 days.
Basic functions
HiCALC supports:
of basically Arithmetical functions:+, -, x, ÷, +/-, 1/x, %, x², x³, x^y, exp, 10^x, e^x, log, ln, (!),
And Trigonometric functions:
Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Cosecant, Secant
Hyperbolic(sine, cosine, tangent)
Inverse(sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant)
Inverse hyperbolic(sine, cosine,
Scientific Functions HiCALC not only
supports basic functions but also supports a set of important advanced
Derivation function
Evaluation function
Integration function
Root-Finder and Product function
Greatest Common Divisor
Least Common Multiple
Fibonacci function.
Financial Functions
Supplies financial functions:
Present Value (PV), Future Value
Interest Rate, Payment Amount
Mortgage and Loan calculator
The total number of payment periods(NPER)
Straight-line depreciation (SLN)
Depreciation of an asset for a specified period
using the fixed-declining balance method(DB)
Matrices Functions Other than supporting basic functions such as +, -,
x, ÷ matrices, HiCalc supplies matrices functions:
Determinant of matrix (DET)
Invert a matrix (INV)
Eigenvectors of matrix (EIGV)
Eigenvalues of matrix (EIGL)
Orthogonal matrix (ORTH)
Rank of matrix (RANK)
Transpose of matrix (TRANS)
Triangle matrix (TRI)
Solves a linear system AX =B
Statistics Functions HiCalc
supplies Statistics functions:
Summation of Data
Summation of Squares of Data
Population standard deviation
Sample standard deviation
The mean (arithmetic average)
Geometric mean (GM)
The median of the given numbers
The average of the absolute deviations(AVD)
Summation of squares of deviations
nPr, nCr, Min, Max and more...
Currency Converter This converter helps you to convert currency values
to various currencies. The currency converter will convert between over 186different currencies with Daily update currency exchange rate. |
United States Dollars
Japanese Yen
Argentine Peso
Russian Ruble
Brunei Dollar
Canadian Dollar
Hungarian Forint
Hongkong Dollar
Indian Rupee
Korean Won
Malaysian Ringgit
Polish Zloty
Chinese Yuan Renminbi
Australian Dollar
Brazilian Real
Chilean Peso
Czech Republic Koruna
Indonesian Rupiah
Iranian Rial
Kuwaiti Dinar
Norwegian Krone
Qatar Riyal
Singapore Dollar
Swiss Franc
Thai Baht
U.A.E. Dirham
UK Pound Sterling
Vietnamese Dong
Colombian Peso
Danish Krone
Israeli Shekel
Icelandic Krona
Libyan Dinar
Mexican Peso
New Zealand Dollar
Pakistan Rupee
Saudi Arabian Riyal
Slovenian Tolar
South African Rand
Venezuelan Bolivar... |
Product Support & Upgrade
If you have registered HiCALC for Desktop PC version 1.0 then you
will get all future sub version updates (version 1.xx) for free.
In the case of any technical problems regarding our product,
you are guaranteed to receive support directly from us. If our
technical staff fails to assist you setting up and using the software,
we will refund you in full.